Elderton Estate Shiraz Barossa Valley 2021
Artikelnummer: 148521
Verschwenderisch viel Frucht von schwarzen Johannisbeeren, Sauerkirschen, Blaubeeren, Brombeeren und Himbeeren, unterlegt von leicht rauchigen Eichennoten mit perfekter Säurestruktur. Ein saftiger, dennoch straffer Wein mit eleganten Tanninen und reifer Frucht. Klassischer Barossa-Shiraz mit Potential, wenn auch nicht für so lange wie der große Bruder Command.
Flaschengröße (Liter): 0,75
Land: Australien
Weingut: Elderton
Vineyard: Estate grown, 50% Craneford, 35% Greenock, 15% Nuriootpa
Vine Age: 2 - 127 years
Die Trauben für den Elderton Estate Shiraz stammen ausschließlich von den Rebstöcken des Elderton Vinyards, der an den Ufern des North Para Flusses (Nuriootpa, Barossa Valley) in Süd-Australien liegt. Die auf Kalkstein liegenden sehr alten und tiefen Schwemmböden bilden zusammen mit mediterranem Klima und minimaler Bewässerung das, was man nur noch „den perfekten Shiraz-Vinyard“ nennen kann.
Our Barossa Shiraz comes from many parcels across our three vineyard sites. These vineyards ripen differently owing to their different aspects, elevation and soil types. Our Greenock vineyard is on the western end of the Barossa, first to ripen for us and always brings a vibrant bouquet and punchy tannin to our blend. Our Nuriootpa plantings bring a depth of tannin and a lovely sweet spiced fruit element and our Craneford vineyard is a more elevated site on leaner soils ripening later in the season.
Viticulture/Growing: Certified sustainable - AWRI
Spraying in the vineyard: Predominantly sulfur and copper are used in the vineyard and when required systemics. We don’t use soil active/ pre-emergent herbicides or insecticides and haven’t for many years.
Use of Glyphosat: No.
Region: Australien, Barossa Valley
Rebsorten: 100% Shiraz
Weinart: Rotwein
Geeignet für Veganer: Ja
Alkohol % vol.: 15
Säure g/l: 6,6
Restzucker g/l: 0,6
pH: 3,4
Schwefel mg/l frei(total): 39(94)
Optimum Drinking/Haltbarkeit: Drink now or cellar confidently for 10 years from vintage
Allergene: Enthält Sulfite
Verschluss: Screwcap
Lot: L23261
Abfüller: Elderton Wines Pty Ltd, 3-5 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa, SA 5355, Australia
Importeur und Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer: Apell Weine, Martin Apell, Ahnatalstrasse 125, 34128 Kassel, Deutschland
Winemakers comments: Post fermentation the parcels were put to a combination of new and used French and American oak for malolactic fermentation and maturation before blending. Made from our three vineyards, this is truly an expression of Barossa, from one side to the other! We love the way these three vineyard sites work together to create a wine with structure, fruit and freshness. - Jules Ashmead & Brock Harrison
Style Full bodied, rich, classic
Colour A vibrant dark purple
Aroma Red liquorice and a hint of spiced plums
Palate Vibrant red fruits and gamey depth with a touch of spicy cloves leading to a seamless finish. Juicy long tannins laced with vibrant red berry sweetness and oak spice.
Barrique? 24 months in predominantly older American and French puncheons
Vintage notes: 2021 signalled a welcome return to a more ‘normal’ season, with decent winter rains and only a very mild frost in the spring of 2020. A mild summer without heat spikes allowed for excellent ripening conditions leading into harvest. The apparent lack of rain meant keeping a close eye on vine health to ensure water requirements were met. The return to decent yields afforded the opportunity to use heading boards and a little barrel ferment to add complexity to this wine.
Your favourite recipe for this wine: Shredded beef brisket tacos