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  • Wir beraten Sie persönlich unter 0561-3160717
  • ERFAHRUNG - Wir machen das seit über 32 Jahren.
  • VERTRAUEN - Wir kennen unsere Winzer persönlich.

Hart of the Barossa Ye Brave Organic Shiraz 2020 / AU-BIO-107 / L1

Artikelnummer: 162820

32,95 €
(1 l = 43,93 €)
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Hier kommt der aktuelle und bisher exklusivste Jahrgang. 2020 bescherte 75% Ernterückgang, dafür die besten Trauben in der Geschichte von Hart. Unfined and Unfiltered. Shiraz pur.
Der Hart hat eine schöne Frucht mit Cassis, reifer Pflaume und Blaubeere. Er ist ein echter, würziger und sehr ausgewogener old school Shiraz von einem Familien-Bio-Weingut, welches das erste in den Barossa Ranges war. In der Jugend zeigt er noch kräftige Tannine, welche mit Belüftung schon deutlich weicher werden. Eleganter langer Abgang. 20 Monate Ausbau in französischen und amerikanischen Hogsheads, von denen 25% neu und der Rest alt waren. In diesem Jahrgang hat er eine fast schon Amarone-artige, köstliche Frucht. Momentan fast wie Saft, mit feinem Tannin und einem Hauch von Rauch.
Dieser Wein passt sehr gut zum Porterhouse Steak, Sorcetti mit Lammragout oder Pilz-Risotto oder zum Rezept (s. u.) vom Weingut.

Bio-Kennzeichnung Weingut: AU-BIO-107, ACO 11089 - This wine is 100% Organic as certified by Australian Certified Organic.

Flaschengröße (Liter): 0,75
Land: Australien
Weingut: Hart of the Barossa
Region: Australien, Barossa Valley
Rebsorten: 100% Shiraz
Weinart: Rotwein
Anbau: Certified Organic
Alkohol % vol.: 15
Säure g/l: 5,8
Restzucker g/l: 0,77
pH: 3,7
Schwefel mg/l frei(total): 27(64)
Haltbarkeit: 2022 bis 2032 am besten, sagt der Winzer
Allergene: Enthält Sulfite
Lot: L1
Abfüller: Hart of the Barossa, Corner Vine Vale & Light Pass Road, Vine Vale, SA 5352, Australia
Importeur und Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer: Apell Weine, Martin Apell, Ahnatalstrasse 125, 34128 Kassel, Deutschland
Bio-Kennzeichnung Händler: DE-ÖKO-039
Apellation: Barossa Valley, Sub-Region Greenock
Vineyard(s): Hart Estate Single Vineyard, Vine Vale
Barrique?: ja, 20 Monate Ausbau im franz. + amerik. Hogsheads, 25% neu und der Rest alt
Winemakers comments: The Shiraz vines were harvested early March and the grapes gently destemmed into small open top fermenters. The grapes were fermented for nine to ten days on skins where hand pumpovers were employed twice daily. The must was traditionally pressed and immediately filled to new and seasoned French & American oak hogsheads where it completed fermentation. The wine was matured in hogsheads for 20 months prior to bottling. Hart of the Barossa Shiraz is bottled unfined and unfiltered.
Vintage notes: 2020 produced extremly high quality fruit with intense flavours but was one of the lowest yield vintages on record. The growing season started dry and continued that way.The low yields were experienced throughout the Barossa Valley due to below-average rainfall Winter and Spring, temperamental Spring weather – and a hot, dry December and early January prior to vintage.
Meinungen (Auszüge):

Falstaff: 93 Punkte
Tasting vom 07.10.2022: Ulrich Sautter, Peter Moser, Dominik Vombach, Anne Krebiehl
Intensiv würzig im Duft, balsamisch, pfeffrig, mit Luft immer komplexer kräuterwürzig. Im Mund zeigt sich der Wein recht elegant, eine lebendige Säure gliedert, feines Tannin füllt den weit ausgreifenden Rahmen. Das ist noch sehr jung und hat beste Perspektiven, die bereits jetzt beeindruckende Abgangswürze deutet das an.
Your favourite recipe for this wine:
Slow Braised Beef Cheeks in Barossa Shiraz with soft Polenta
2kg beef cheeks
125ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil plus extra for drizzling
6 cloves garlic roughly chopped
1 orange rind peeled in strips
10 bay leaves
3 sprigs rosemary
2 star star anise
2 tspn juniper berry crushed
125ml Vin Cotto
2 cups Hart of the Barossa Shiraz
2 large onions roughly chopped
2 celery stalk, roughly chopped
To taste sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
475ml Beef Stock
Soft Polenta:
1L Beef Stock
3 cup fine polenta (cornmeal)
1 cup cream
100g unsalted butter
1. Marinade as follows and put in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight:
Place the beef cheeks into a large mixing bowl or tray and drizzle over ¼ cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and marinade with garlic cloves, orange rind and all the spices and herbs.
2. Then preheat the oven to 120C. Remove the beef from the marinade and season with sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Place into a large non-stick frying pan over a medium high heat. Brown on each side for approximately 3 minutes, then place in a heavy-based casserole dish. Note: it is best to do the beef in batches to avoid overcrowding the pan.
3. Deglaze the frying pan with Vino Cotto and red wine, then reduce the liquid by half and add to the casserole dish with the beef cheeks.
4. Wipe the frying pan clean and add the remaining Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Add the onions and celery to the pan and cook for 5 minutes to brown. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and transfer to the casserole dish. Add the beef stock to the casserole dish, cover it and put it back into the preheated oven.
5. Turn the beef cheeks after 2 hours, then check after a further 2 hours to see if the cheeks are tender by using a fork to pull away the meat.
6. After 4 hours the meat should be quite soft and falling apart, if not, continue to cook for another hour.
7. Once tender, remove from the oven and allow to sit for 20 minutes to cool slightly.
8. Remove the beef cheeks for the cooking liquid, trim away any gristle then set aside and keep warm.
9. Pour the cooking liquid into a large jug and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Skim the fat which will separate from the stock liquid once cooled.
10. Pour the stock into a medium saucepan and place over a high heat for approximately 10 minutes to reduce the stock by half, then set aside to use as the sauce.
11. To make the soft polenta, place the beef stock into a medium saucepan over a high heat. Bring to the boil, then slowly pour in the polenta and stir until the mixture thickens, this will take approximately 3 minutes.
12. Turn the heat down to low and continue to cook for 5 minutes, then stir through the cream and butter and season to taste.
13. To serve, evenly divide the polenta between 8 serving plates, place a beef cheek on top and drizzle over the reduced sauce.