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  • Wir beraten Sie persönlich unter 0561-3160717
  • ERFAHRUNG - Wir machen das seit über 32 Jahren.
  • VERTRAUEN - Wir kennen unsere Winzer persönlich.

THE WALLS "Stanley Groovy" 2019

Artikelnummer: 343019

39,95 €
(1 l = 53,27 €)
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


We love this wine with pepperoni and spicy pepper pizza.

Vom Star THE WALLS. Zehn Rebsorten, klassische portugiesische dabei. Völlig ungewöhnlich. Aus der berühmten Appellation Red Mountain.
Ein Bouquet wie eines der unvergesslichen Drum-Loop Intros von U2 oder den Red Hot Chili Peppers. Frucht! Komplexität, Aha-Moment, Genuss pur - und wieder von vorn! Etwas blaue, etwas rote, etwas schwarze Früchte. Etwas Erde, etwas Rauch, etwas Würze. Süße Reife. Dazu diese sexy-kühle Blaubeer-Straßenbelag-Note. Am Gaumen angenehmst dominant, nämlich auf weiche und zugleich stoffige Art. Komposition aus satter Frucht und den vielen Anklängen an geräucherten Speck, Graphit, Tinte und Teer. Die Tannine immer präsent im Hintergrund, wie fein gewoben. Für einen so ausdrucksstarken Wein hat er eine sehr einnehmende, freundliche Persönlichkeit. Das ist definitiv ein Lieblingswein in unserem Plattenregal ;)

Flaschengröße (Liter): 0,75
Weinart: Rotwein
Land: USA
Weingut: THE WALLS
Region: Washington, Red Mountain AVA
Rebsorten: 27% Touriga Nacional | 18% Syrah | 16% Souzao | 11% Tinta Cao | 8% Merlot | 7% Mourvedre | 6% Counoise | 4% Cabernet Sauvignon | 2% Cabernet Franc | 1% Tempranillo
Barrique: 18 Monate in französischer Eiche, davon 40% neu
Alkohol % vol.: 15
Säure g/l: 5,8
Restzucker g/l: <1 (none)
pH: 3,88
Schwefel mg/l frei(total): 34(n.a.)
Haltbarkeit: 2022-2031
Allergene: Enthält Sulfite
Suitable for Vegans? Yes
Verschluss: Diam Origine Cork
Winemakers comments: An appealing combination of mostly Portuguese varietals coming from the warm Red Mountain AVA. It is blended for early and frequent enjoyment with flavors of red and black fruits and aromas of licorice, chicory and coffee.
2019 vintage overview from Todd: 2019 was a slightly later budbreak and the most gorgeous summer I’ve seen since being in Washington. Nice and warm, but no heat spikes. Things were just a tad behind normal averages most of the season, with a cooler than average September. It got cold in early October with some freeze events. I think you’ll find that some people were taken by surprise by the cool weather in September – but we anticipated that in August and farmed accordingly. We were completely picked out before the freezes hit that hurt other growers who needed more hangtime due to larger crop loads – their fruit didn’t get ripe. We were at normal ripeness levels relative to other vintages when we picked. I thought we hit it just right. This vintage is extremely aromatic and the tannins are super silky – loads of freshness, energy, full spectrum and super complex, with that great combination of weightlessness but great texture and length. I think across the board these are some of the best wines we have made so far.

Your favourite recipe for this wine:
We love this wine with pepperoni and spicy pepper pizza.
Abfüller: The Walls, 1015 W. Pine Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362, USA
Einführer: Apell Weine, Martin Apell, Ahnatalstrasse 114 A, 34128 Kassel, Deutschland
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer: Apell Weine, Martin Apell, Ahnatalstrasse 114 A, 34128 Kassel, Deutschland
Bewertungen (Auszüge):

Jeb Dunnuck:

"The 2019 Stanley Groovy is an eclectic blend of 28% Touriga Nacional, 18% Syrah, 15% Souzao, and the rest a mix of Tinta Cao, Merlot, Mourvèdre, Counoise, Cabernet Franc, and a few others. It sports a deep ruby/plum color as well as a juicy, delicious, medium to full-bodied, fruit-loaded style to go with a great nose of red, blue, and black fruits as well as spicy oak, tobacco, and peppery herbs. It's balanced, has silky tannins, and is just one heck of a delicious red to drink over the coming 4-5 years or more." (94)

An up-and-coming estate that readers need to try is The Walls, which was created by Mike Martin, with the wines made by Todd Alexander. They produce several wines from throughout the state, all of which merit serious attention.